Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Posh Baby...

After lunch with DH today, we headed to target (err... the store??) to do a tad bit of shopping - mostly for baby and nursing related items. By the time we were done, baby was fussy and hungry!!

So - after the suggestion of a friend (thanks, PT!) - we headed to the Nordstrom "family" area for feeding. In the feeding area, we met two other moms and babies - - and Mark was the OLDEST! That was definitely a new experience..

Anyhow, lots of story swapping and such. I watched another mom (with a baby born 10/19 - three days after Mark) get peed on while doing the "diaper dance." Overall, fun stuff (and another breastfeeding in public experience). I thought I would be modest... but one of the moms had actually brought a bottle of expressed milk so she wouldn't have to attempt feeding in public. It made me realize that I'm certainly not that modest! One mom was complaining about her baby being a "cryer" - the other complained that she had a baby with reflux. Me? No complaints! I'm pretty convinced I have the best baby in the world. In fact, he slept 6 hours (from 9:30pm to 3ish) last night. Woohoo!

So, for some reason, after being spoiled by Nordstrom's restroom, I was inspired to shop for baby.. just to see if I could find any baby clothes within a reasonable price range. SCORE! I picked up the cutest little jumper... and I even thought about how while some moms think hard about what they send their kid to the first day of school in once they turn five. Why? Well... I actually had the thought about waiting for him to wear this particular outfit until his first day of child care. What new mom of a 6 week old baby thinks that way? It was a peculiar experience for me. And I'm surprised I found clothes (for under $10, I might add) at Nordstroms for my spoiled little baby. So hopefully, picture of baby in the new cute jumper/outfit on his first day of school. And if not- you'll probably see a picture of it (or him in it) before too much longer.

So today, I'm thankful for plush areas in malls to feed the baby. I'll be back to the Nordstroms to feed the next time I'm in the area with a fussy baby! It makes a 2 hour trip option a 5 or 6 hour option - with shopping involved! Oh... and I'll add this time around that I am also thankful for shopping - and starbucks - and socks. (Baby got some new Nordstrom socks, too!)

Now that I think about it.. I'll have to get used to being out with baby for longer than 5-6 hours soon, since in less than a month we'll be headed on a big long trip for the holidays!