Sunday, November 22, 2009


Last night, as I was going to bed, I kept thinking about a blog post about bedtime. If you had to sleep with the light on, or with some type of sound on, which would you choose?

I'm a person who prefers sleeping without noise. I can sleep during daytime. I think my DH prefers no light, however. He typically puts a pillow over his face- - although he does this even when it is pitch black, so maybe that is not the case.

Babies? I think they do better with noise, not better with quiet. Our little one is adapting (and really, can do either noise or no noise). Of course, perhaps that's because one of the main jobs of a baby is to sleep!

So, appropriate for today that I include a sleeping baby picture.

I'm thankful for my sleep - whenever and wherever and however I can get it!