Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Morning Person

Although I had my doubts in the first few weeks after giving birth, I have definitely returned to being a morning person. And the last few days have been really fantastic, and I have what I like to think of as my usual level of adrenaline (and/or positive attitude). Both of these are things I definitely missed while being pregnant. It's nice to know that the hormones have levelled out - - and I'm a mom now, to top it off! And the holidays are here. There's lots to be excited about and lots to be thankful for!

Anyhow - I also have a morning kid.. We get lots of smiles in the morning, which is awesome! We get a handful in the evening as well - but nothing like that bright smile to start off the day. How could I not be a morning person?

The afternoons, and even late morning can get a little cranky. But - the day always starts out in a fantastic sort of way, and I love it!

Today? I'm thankful for beautiful mornings, and the baby's smiles that seem to go along with the morning!