Friday, December 4, 2009

Dead Blogs

I have become addicted to following people's blogs. It's sad, really. About once a week, I go through my list of about 15 links to see who has updated. At one time, I was following a blog of someone who religiously updated daily - - I loved that!

Now, most of my blogging friends are "casual" bloggers at best. Some last updated in April or July. Some go about a week. Regardless, I find myself looking at the same blog over and over and over just in hopes of finding an update. I think this is simply a part of my personality. It's true of things like family and work, too. In other words.. as my mom so aptly put it while I was in college... I hate to miss out on anything! Whether it's my friend's cookie party or casual dinner by the pool in Austin, or my family's get together for Thanksgiving. I like to be included and involved. I think, for me, that's one of the reasons I enjoy other people's blogs. It's a glimpse and insight into their lives. I'm often certain that I would never be told "directly" some of the stories that people blog about. For example - a friend who recently got married and posted everything allowed me to be "marginally" be involved in a wedding that I was not formally invited to.

Anyhow - I have always been open about sharing my life with everyone. And now I can tell one story to everyone, without having to recount the story over and over again. Some people will stop me and say, "Oh, I read that in your blog." The other thing that is interesting about blogging is that I have no idea who is reading. Of course, I know a handful of people who follow regularly. For instance, when the blog automatically gets posted to facebook, one friend "likes" it when she reads it (almost regardless of what it says!) - I enjoy her acknowledgment. I also get lots of responses on facebook, even though on the blog site itself it is rare that I get a comment.

Wow. Who knew I could ramble on so long about blogging?

Today, I'm thankful for blogs that OTHER people write and update regularly. Thanks for letting me feel included!