Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Poopy Diapers

It's time. Actually, it's probably over-due. I'm a new mom, and a post about poopy diapers only seems fitting. You see, the day we got home from the hospital we were given a "poop sheet" so we could monitor poops and pees. Every since then, we've had to at least notice when the baby poops.

It's not so bad changing a poopy diaper. At least, it hasn't been... until recently. Recently, baby has stopped pooping continuously (yay!) in favor of BIG poops. The 1 diaper a day results in a poop explosion. I've had poopy diapers where it runs out the front and back, and poopy diapers where it runs out both sides. Almost every other day, this one "big poop" results in at least something soiled. Today it was a blanket - and would have been his clothes, if he were wearing pants.

I guess I am thankful that baby poops - and also that they are now relatively more infrequently. YOU, my dear reader, can be thankful that this blog did not come with a picture. ;)