Thursday, December 10, 2009

TV Drama...

Our "big" TV has been out for a while. I don't even remember the last time it worked! Anyhow, on the "to do" list was to call about getting it fixed. In the meantime, the TV from upstairs made its way down to where we watch TV, and sat on top of an unpacked box full of DVDs. That smaller TV is still there, still in the same room with the "Big" TV.

It reminds me of when I was a kid, and I would go to my grandparents. In their case, though, they kept getting a higher TV stand as the pile of "junk" in the living room you could no longer walk through got higher and higher (product of the great depression, I suppose) - but alas, I digress.

We finally began considering our options. Get a new TV? Get the old one repaired? Early indications suggested the repair would be more than the cost of a new TV. We had a mechanic come out, and they suggested that it would be $500 for the parts and labor. Yeesh. That was my breaking point, so made the decision even tougher. They suggested we call the manufacturer to see if they would replace the part for free. After all, the TV is only 5 years old (manufactured December 2004). Well, it was a phone call that would be worth the effort if it made the $500 more reasonable - even though it seemed unlikely.

Low and behold, the manufacturer will be replacing the bad part for free! And that means it's still going to cost us - but only $200.

So, a new TV would be nice. Maybe we'll replace our really-old-technology smaller TV, which means the overall cost would have probably been about the same as just buying a new big TV. But... we'll get 2 TVs out of the deal!

Today: I'm thankful to simply have a TV - big or small, good technology or bad, good picture or bad. 'cause I like some mindless entertainment once in a while!