Tuesday, December 8, 2009


There's a lot to look forward to this holiday season!

I'm not much of a decorator - - having a Christmas tree and lights on the house and such. It's a little hard when we rarely have anyone other than the two of us around to enjoy it! Even this year, I finally decided I would get out my fake tree (less than 3 feet?) but only added a couple of decorations. At least I had a place I could put the wrapped presents!

I do like stockings. I have 5 of them hanging from the Chimney, now. (The dogs have stockings in our house, also!) Of the 5 - only 3 have names. Mine, Kobe's and Mark's. One day, I'll get around to getting Seth and Katie stockings with their names on them. Until then - - you can tell that Katie's says "woof" and Seth's is brown!

I like gift-giving. (Well, okay, admittedly gift-receiving as well.. but MOSTLY the giving!) I already wrapped and shipped gifts to Kansas. When my sister-in-law was here, I had her take the first batch to Texas. That leaves only a handful left! If I did no more shopping, I'd only feel "guilty" about 1 person total - - okay, maybe 1 and a half! I enjoy shopping for not only my family, but Seth's family as well! The kids are the most fun to shop for - and typically, I buy cool things throughout the year so I don't have much actual "shopping" to do around the holidays!

This year, we may be getting a new TV for Christmas. We'll see - - right now, it depends on how expensive it will be to "repair" the current TV (which is less than 5 years old!) We did get bonuses at work today, which is definitely nice.

Anyhow - I'm thankful for family generally today. So, I thought I'd post a quick picture of part of my family - - I don't have a good one of all 3 of us with the dogs - - -yet! One day!