Thursday, December 17, 2009

Does size matter?

If so, my kid's already an A/B student!

Today, Mark had his first Doctor's appointment. He never saw a pediatrician in the hospital (because we gave birth at the birthing center) - so his information at Birth, one day, and two weeks was all with the Midwife. This was his first "official" appointment with a doctor - Doctor Mary. He got a completely clean bill of health (other than a bit of a yeast infection that really only started in the last day or two).

What I always look forward to are his stats! He's up to 13 pounds 11 ounces and 24.5 inches tall. Height is 85th percentile, weight is 90th percentile. His head circumference is 39.5 inches. So - - he continues to be a BIG kid. He also had his first round of shots - - in total, 2 shots in one leg, 1 in the other leg, and one oral vaccine. Poor kid. I must say, however, he was a trooper! He stopped crying even before we could schedule his next checkup (at 4 months)!

We were told to avoid crowds (hmmm.. crowded airports and airplanes are on the horizon)... and that mommy and daddy need to keep washing our hands. All in all, not much more to say. Other than the fact that I'm glad it is HIM going to the doctor and not ME. I cringed a little for his shots, and felt sorry for all the poking and prodding the doctor had to do to him. At the end of the day... we both survived. :)

Today: I am thankful for a healthy baby!