Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nodding off...

Going back to work on Monday, and hoping I can wake up and stay awake!

Even as I think about and began typing this blog, I was nodding off a bit. Baby is getting to wear (when he isn't growing, at least) he can sleep at least part of the way through the night. Of course, that brings challenges of it's own - - at least as a breastfeeding mama!

We had a big adventure today - went shopping a few places, but didn't buy anything. Next weekend promises to be an even bigger adventure, as we travel out of Raleigh for our first trip!

One of the things I like about weather changing to winter is the end of football season. Most people (typically men, but not always) would rather look forward to fall for the beginning of football season- but I prefer junk tv, movies, and more time with my hubby that goes along with the END of the season. Ahh well.

This week I started studying for my next Actuarial exam. This one is on investments!

Today, I am thankful for TV - even if we're using the tiny one at the moment!