Wednesday, October 28, 2009


For those who have been following the last few days, I am happy to report success in the nursing-bra shopping! Although I got a handful of target brand for now, I feel like I'm desperate enough for SOMETHING to nurse in that those will get me past at least this first few weeks! Thanks to JD and MB for suggestions on finding something that fits well and is a little more permanent!

Unlike most of the days since baby was born, today has felt a lot more about ME. Of course, part of that is adjusting to the nursing (buying bras!) And another part was a spa appointment - manicure/pedicure. My first one in a while. I wanted to take my mom as a thank you for coming and staying with us for 2 weeks (although she preferred a massage). I like spoiling my mom - - Unlike most women I know, I'm not sure my mom has anyone else to do it for her. She's been the caregiver/nuturer her whole life! And she's spent countless hours the last couple of weeks making me dinner or lunch, bringing me something to drink, and keeping our kitchen clean and dishes done! (Not to mention laundry, diaper changes, and more...)

The target trip today felt like a success, since I knocked out my remaining "need" list. I had a receipt from when we purchased the remaining items on our registry (which I later received a 10% off coupon for) and brought in the receipt- they applied it for me retroactively! I was very thankful, since it wasn't insignificant (after our "major" shopping trip a few weeks ago)... After target, we stopped by starbucks, too!

Did I mention the weather today was absolutely gorgeous? Spent a bit of time on the back porch. I definitely am enjoying the beginning of fall- brisk air, and trees changing colors. The seasons in North Carolina sure are beautiful!

Tomorrow is scheduled to be a bit more low-key - - no exciting adventures planned. Later this week, baby may be going out to dinner with us for the first time! Stay tuned...
