Thursday, October 29, 2009

A confession...

I am stubborn. Not just a little - sometimes, a lot. And sometimes to my detriment. This has often come up in different areas of my life.

For example, when my mother was spending time with my (then boyfriend) and I in Austin, she was surprised at our argumentative-style of conversation. She asked me later if it bothered me, and I told her that I was glad I had met someone who was also a bit stubborn, because I didn't have to worry what he was thinking. It's worked out for us!

Also at work- I've had to learn to let go a little. My boss phrased this as "digging in" - - and suggested that I try not to dig my heels in as much sometimes. I think this is something I'll always have to deal with and struggle with, but at least if I can recognize it, I can make some small steps towards improvement.

So what does that have to do with today? Well, I put my pre-pregnancy (non-maternity) jeans on today. Yes, they are a little tight. But the button is buttoned. I also put my ring on my ring finger. I'm not sure that I could get it off if necessary - - but it is on. And there is definitely something rewarding about that!