Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Slowly but Surely..

We are continuing to figure things out! As any new mom, of course, the early days are about eating, peeing, and sleeping. One of the acronyms I learned in a breastfeeding class was "SPEND" - Sleep, Pee, Eat, Nurse, and Drink.

Breastfeeding is going okay, still - but just OK. I'm holding out for 2 weeks to see if/how it improves. Milk is definitely in, and with baby sleeping 3 hours at a time it gives me a bit of a chance to swell. Cabbage in freezer? Check.

Today was the day for scheduling appointments. Spa for mom as thank you? Check. Circumcision (poor boy)? Check. Two month with pediatrician? Check.

Today was also the first day of daddy day care. I managed to get out of the house for an hour or so to take my mom to my favorite "splurge" grocery store (Trader Joe's). I'm in a bit of regret, as I am definitely cramping a little, but it felt good to be out.

Did I mention that the weather has been beautiful? Yesterday, Mark and I walked around a bit outside and he got his first "dose" of sunshine!