Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Still Waiting..

alternate title: fleeting thoughts from a soon-to-be-mother

On both the baby, and the crib! Dear Hubby (DH) has run into several complications with the "hardware" package which has required multiple adjustments. He's frustrated- so am I. I want to make the silly bed!

Oh well, a few other interesting quotes and tidbits to blog about this time around.

This time, I'll start with Starbucks and Socks. :)

I use a drive-through Starbucks about once or week or so and usually get the same barrista- I think her name is Jessica. I didn't realize she could tell I was pregnant, but she asked me on Tuesday when I was due! I told her, and she asked me the name - - and she is the only one outside of DH and I to now know! Why did I tell her? Who knows. Probably because I wanted to tell someone... and if you really want to know, you can ask her! Of course, she probably doesn't remember. And she's a pretty safe bet for not sharing and/or spreading. So I'll give you another inkling just for being a blog follower! Initials will likely either be MJW or KMW. Right now, we haven't completely decided between the two!

As for socks? That's the first "gift" I got for baby for Christmas. I'm actually going to wait until Christmas to give them to him/let him wear them!

It's been an interesting week for quotes, so I thought I'd share a few.

In today's meeting, there were lots of donuts/pastries that nobody was eating. The presenter said, "You guys need to eat these. Otherwise, I'll have to share with Rebecca. She's got a weight loss strategy - but unfortunately, I don't."

Another guy I work with was asking about our "schedule" for a possible Friday meeting. I sent him a message that said I was free anytime, but baby may have other plans. He sent me back a note that said, "Well, you just tell baby . . .. Strike that. From our experience, you may as well forget telling baby anything right now. Baby is just going to do whatever baby wants for awhile. "

This week, my motto - particularly at work, has been "Here another day!" Which is also Pregnant another day, anxious another day, and living day to day - and sometimes even hour to hour or minute to minute.

My ankles have reached new sizes. They are very swollen. Today at work, I had the thought that at least there are no guys at work I'm trying to pick up. One look at my ankles, and they might bail!

And one last item I found humor in this week. A friend of mine had a baby on Monday. Her sister-in-law posted something that said, "Thanks for incubating the parasite!" One of my favorite quotes so far.

So.. From now on, I am no longer pregnant. I'm incubating a parasite! Maybe that will keep my spirits in good enough humor for enough to get me through this last stretch. At least, I hope to avoid the woes of the last week. I keep thinking it's not possible that I'll make it another week. I'm at least hoping at this point it's down to days... Only baby knows that, though. Stupid baby.