Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Challenge - Day 30

A picture of someone you miss.

So, I must admit. The ending of this blog is a bit bitter-sweet. A bit happy, since I did finish the challenge in 30 days (give or take one or two off for one reason or another), and I did enjoy posting the pictures and a little more "history" about myself (coincidentally, with less about kiddo than has been typical of the last 17 months).

On the other hand, the last day makes me sad because the topic is a picture of someone you miss. I miss my father.

I miss calling my dad with the Jayhawk game on in the background, and having to repeat myself two or three times.

I miss my daddy's hugs, and the way his shirt would smell of cigarette smoke.

I miss hearing my dad argue with anyone - about anything, and stories about my daddy's adventures - whether traveling in Sweden, or playing bridge with a new "gal" online or at the club down the road.

Love: My daddy.
Hope: I figure out a reason to continue blogging regularly - even if it isn't daily!
Do: Take a break for at least a day or two - and celebrate the fact that I made it all the way through my 30 day challenge!