Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reality begins to set in....

We're moving. But you probably knew that.

I'm anxious to be settled in a new place - but I'm not looking forward to the process. And reality is beginning to set in.

We have to have people in and out of our rental house for the next several months. ANNOYING! I hate cleaning and keeping things clean. Plus, they don't call, show up at random times, and the company that does it SUCKS. First of all, they asked us (the tenants) if we have an extra key. They've called TWICE to tell us they are putting out a sign, and hanging a lock box on our door, but it is still not there. And they want to come over without giving us more than an hour's notice - - and expect us to keep the dogs continuously caged/locked up. UGH!

In other annoyances, there is the finding a mover piece of things. To get an estimate, you have to fill out lengthy surveys and declare every book, plate, CD, and lamp. Every picture, every piece of glass, every vaccum cleaner. Blech.

And then, there is packing. Not easy, and not quick, but necessary to get all your belongings from point a to point b.

Hmm... I suppose this isn't the cheeriest of blogs. :) Perhaps that is why I aptly opted to name it Reality begins to set in....

We're about 2 1/2 weeks away from closing, and everything seems to be going okay! We've got the funds needed - and all in one place. Even got our tax return (federal), which is helpful! We can't pay off the credit card at the moment, like I would prefer, but that will come in time.

And in the end.... about 6 weeks from now.... I'll be venting on the other side of things. The unpacking, the setting up of new services, and having to take the dogs out on a leash every day (until we get a fence built)!

Ahh, isn't life fun. :)