Saturday, September 4, 2010


It's a bit hard to be completely unaffected by the energy in the air that surrounds that odd shaped pigskin ball.

Yep - I can hardly believe it myself - I'm posting about football. I've never been a football fan - but I do love the social chatter that surrounds it, and watching my husband light up as the first game of the season approaches.

Along with the pigskin ball comes the signs of fall. Of course, for me, I officially call September 1st fall. What else makes it fall?

I bought kiddo a halloween costume. On sale at Amazon - woohoo!

Overnight low is supposed to be 58 degrees. PERFECT for waking up and going on a long run!

I bought kiddo a light-weight jacket.

School is back in session.

What do I love about fall? New beginnings. I've always been a big fan of fresh starts - even though they are often NOT easy. I think of it like a morning - getting up, fresh air, showering.. Or like a Monday - while most people don't like Monday's, I often like the new beginning.

Love: Fall
Hope: The weather remains like this for a good long while!
Do: Need to pull the books out- can't believe it's so late in the day already!