Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am very bad with secrets. Not with keeping secrets, mind you, but with other people keeping secrets.

I have this "need to know" that drives even me crazy sometimes. Maybe that's what makes me a good analyst. I hate it when people feel like they have to "hide" something. It's even worse when they "hint" at something.

So, I do everything I can to figure things out faster. When I was a child, this meant opening presents on Christmas morning - then putting everything back together so I could go get mom, dad, brother and sister all up so we could do it together, by the parent rules.

Even with internet, sometimes it's not as easy to find things as you would think.

Love: Secrets - except when they are kept from me!
Hope: I find what I'm looking for...
Do: Need to be studying instead of blogging!