Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What is it?

Making new friends is a hard process to describe. What is it, really? Is it "flirting"? Is it "dating"? When there is a new person, and something about them "strikes" you as someone you'd like to get to know better - how do you describe that?

If you're single, there's all kinds of terms for this type of experience. But what if you're married? If the person you are "courting" is of the same gender?

Since we've moved to Raleigh, there have been lots of new people - and a few stand out as those I want to know a little better. Whether they have a sense of humor that strikes my funny bone, or perhaps tease me in a way that I enjoy - it's interesting how these "new" relationships develop. There aren't the same "courtship" rules. Would XYZ person be interested in going to lunch, if I asked? Would ABC person be interested in joining me to study?

Relationships. One of the few things that really makes the world churn. Good, bad, or indifferent- relationships keep life interesting, I suppose.

Love: Navigating the relationships of life- especially when it comes to "courting" new friendships!
Hope: Someone, somewhere, has those same thoughts about me, and looks at me as a "possible" new friend that they enjoy getting to know better.
Do: Need to break out the books - I'm behind this week!