Thursday, September 2, 2010


We went to dinner tonight- one of my favorites, dinner for breakfast - and kiddo used a spoon for the first time! I guess the yogurt with his face-pancake was a good bribe, because I put the yogurt on the spoon, and he put the spoon in his mouth! And he did this a few more times - as long as the spoon had yogurt, he did whatever he could to have more! Good thing kiddo likes yogurt!

Anyway, it made for an exciting dinner - at least, for me! Sometimes, I think DH just looks at me and thinks, "She's crazy." But hey, aren't we all? Some of us are just more open about our craziness than others.

Kiddo used a spoon!

Love: That kiddo has at least made his first attempt at utensils!
Hope: We don't have to wait 6 months before he tries utensils out again!
Do: Make plans for labor day weekend? or plan to do nothing?