Friday, October 1, 2010


You saw the title, what came to mind?

Today, in my life, it holds a couple of meanings. First of all, after a few days of rain, we are finally in the "usual" temperature range for this time of year (translation: highs are no longer in the 90s!) I'm looking forward to a mild - maybe almost chilly- weekend!

In other news, though, Bug has a temperature over 101. Poor fella. It was the day I received my first "call" from daycare that I need to come pick up the kid. He's been home sleeping almost every since, but has wanted more water/milk than usual. Although he skipped most of dinner. He let me hold him while he was very still for almost an hour! Daddy is with him now - he may be going to bed a bit later than usual, and hopefully he isn't up in the middle of the night. Only the 2nd or 3rd time we've given him tylenol!

Love: Weekends! Although this one is a "work" weekend - cleaning and such!
Hope: Kiddo starts feeling better this weekend.
Do: Have 2 more papers before I'm "first pass" through the material. Would LOVE to finish tonight, but likelihood of that is, unfortunately, relatively small.