Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blogger 2 Blogger

Have you ever had a very "bloggable" day? My day was like that.

It started much like any other day - running a bit late. Things were fairly normal from there, and then I decided to run an errand at lunch.

I went to check-out, and got a whole lot of attitude. In an uncharacteristic display of frustration, I headed straight from the checkout line to the service desk to issue a complaint. I don't know if I felt better or worse after letting someone know.

I understand that people can have a bad day. However, if you're in the service industry, don't take it out on me!

I thought about this for a long while today even after it happened. I tend to over-analyze everything. I think I'm still over-analyzing as I type...

Then, after a quick training session this afternoon, we were walking back to our desks when we saw the gardeners planting Pansies at the office. The resulting conversation made me laugh - so I repost here to end on a better note!

The brief conversation I over-heard went something like this:
"Are those pansies?"
"Yep. I should know- I married one!"

Love: Eavesdropping. I hate to admit that, but as another coworker once said, "I'm a woman - of course I like eavesdropping!"
Hope: Ms. Attitude from lunch errands has a better day - or at least doesn't make anyone else miserable!
Do: Study for 2 more days. Blech. So ready to be done!