Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inner Child

As you've probably noticed, I try to keep my "work" life out of my blog. Of course, work is where I spend the majority of my "awake" hours in a day, so sometimes that's hard. But usually, I can separate the two. Of course, some stories are too good to pass up. For example, as I walked out of my office today and was experiencing the pure joy of fallen leaves and wanting to kick them around, I mentioned to a coworker that I just wanted to play! She said it must be my inner child, and that hers died a long time ago. I couldn't help but feeling a little sad about that! Everyone should have an inner-child that they release once in a while. I guess my inner-child refuses to grow up, let alone die! Perhaps my inner child is released too often? Nah.. that couldn't be it!

As for "Rebecca's Rules of Blogging" - It seems like the same "work" rules should apply to daycare, and I should keep that out of my blog, too. But for some reason - I have trouble applying the rule to daycare. I guess because that's one of my main sources of smiles in a day. Perhaps it's related to my compulsive inner-child that refuses to back away!

As I was picking up Mark from daycare, I saw his infant teacher. Our conversation, paraphrased, went something like this:

Me: I miss going to the infant room!
Ms. P: There's a way to remedy that.
Me: Oh, I can visit whenever I'd like?
Ms. P: That's not what I was thinking.
Me: Hmmm??
Ms. P: You could always have another!

... why didn't I think of that? and why is it that this topic seems to be coming up repeatedly over the last few days? Maybe it's just me. After all, along with the inner child, I have several other personalities that like to come out once in a while. There's the obsessive me. There's the me that worries too much. There's the "oblivious" me that pays no attention at all. There's the random me. There's the busy-busy-busy-go-go-go me that can't slow down to breathe. Once in a while, there's the calm me that enjoys just sitting in a quiet room, sometimes with nothing to do at all. Perhaps I shouldn't admit to being multi-personalitied. But wait. If you know me well enough to be reading my blog, you probably already knew most of that about me.

Love: Kiddo's daily sheets. I get a picture of kiddo in daycare nearly every day, and I love it!
Hope: My multiple personalities calm down a little for the evening.
Do: Learn to use our relatively new leaf blower so I can "kick around" the leaves that came down in a recent storm!
Thanks: For the inner-child in all of us - no matter how close to "death" or far past that child may be!