Sunday, November 7, 2010


We know that daycare has rules. For example, each child has a "spot" for their mat, and that is where they go for naptime.

Today, however, kiddo taught us the first daycare rule that we were NOT aware of. What rule? Well, to get the pacifier, you must first lie down. :)

Like it or not, my kiddo is still a paci-man. He loves them. I was cleaning the bottles out of the kitchen, and collected a pile of 5 or so. He sat and tried them, one after another, until he found his favorite one. He also likes putting them in cups for the sounds that they make. I used one to lure him into walking across the kitchen.

And then later this evening, as it was getting close to bedtime, I had a pacifier and he kept putting his head on the pillow. It was really cute- and the first time where I distinctly believe that he was teaching us the rules of daycare!

I am glad that he goes to bed (relatively easily, thankfully!) without a pacifier. Taking them away for naptime won't be so bad when we finally do it- I hope!

Love: That kiddo taught US a new rule!
Hope: We learn more from kiddo every day!
Do: Enjoy what's rest of the weekend!
Thanks: Today's thanks is to daycare, for making sure kiddo has to follow the rules!