Monday, November 1, 2010

Sleep is good.

My cute little giraffe was not himself today.

A little out of the ordinary, I decided to change clothes after work and take Mark on a run around the lake. Two miles- what could go wrong, eh?

I got about half way around, and the fussing was ridiculous! He was screaming like he has rarely ever done in public, and throwing himself around with a major temper. I have no idea what was causing his craziness. I about wanted to cry myself. I'm not sure if it is good or bad that this was a heavily populated trail. About the time this tantrum started, these two lovely ladies offered their help. For the entire mile back to my car, they pushed the stroller. The offered to carry him. They sang him songs. The also offered numerous pieces of mother's wisdom/advice. Rachel and Samar. I think they kept me from busting into tears of frustration.

Hope: Kiddo is back to himself tomorrow.
Do: Send thoughts of thanks to the two strangers on the trail.
Love: "ordinary" days.