Sunday, November 21, 2010

It takes one...

... to know one.

You see, in case you were unaware, DH and I are both math nerds. When we first started dating, he told me his birthday was two days before pi day (which I had never heard of, but is, of course, 3/14 since pi is 3.14159... but I digress, already). He also sent me a "Power of 2" song - which is basically a mathematical love song. There's also a song with an actuary in it that was in a musical (but there I go, another digression already).

The point of this post, however, is 1 billion seconds. My DH reaches that milestone at some point tomorrow, and I purchased one billion grains of sand for him to mark the occasion (and also 'attempted' a surprise party, but spoiled the surprise by accidentally copying him on an email... oops!)

So, do you need to know when your one-billion (or 1.5 billion, or some other) second birthday? A quick google search will do the trick - but I used the calendar (and probably another one) when figuring this out. I obsessed over it, also. I've had Monday 11/22 on my calendar for ages, with thoughts of different things to do.

So you may be wondering, how much sand is 1 billion grains? Approximately 430 pounds - but since sand only comes in 50# bags, DH got more than a billion. But I did not count them. And yes, the sand has a dual purpose: Kiddo needs a sand box!

This week is short and a bit crazy - but I enjoy all the food associated with Thanksgiving! I also look forward to some quality time with my boys!

Thanks: For the fabulous weather today! And for naptime. I've needed some extra sleep this weekend!
Hope: The holiday brings good cheer to those, like us, who will be unable to spend it with family.
Do: Get to bed early. Maybe then I'll feel like I can sleep in?
Love: My DH, and that we share a common nerdiness about numbers.