Tuesday, November 16, 2010


One of my nicknames for Kiddo is pronounced key-doh, key-doh. Kind of like kiddo-kiddo, but with the emPHAsis on the wrong syLABble. At least, that's what my choir teacher used to always say, and for some reason, the pronunciation stuck.

What else do I pronounce odd? Maybe I've posted my funny nicknames for things before.

Like maters and taters. (for tomatoes and potatoes). Or Wah-ca, wah-ca (for avacado).

Wish I had a more interesting post for today, but there you have it!

Love: making funny words out of normal words.
Hope: Key-Doh-Key-Doh learns my funny words, and maybe comes up with some of his own one day!
Do: Chores today - laundry, dishes, trash, etc..
Thanks: For family!