Saturday, November 13, 2010


I think this is the week (or month) of allergies in our house.

Kiddo will be tested soon, and DH will also likely be tested soon.

For some reason, I've had the word "esophageal" in my head. I can't even spell it, but the syllables (ess-off-oh-gee-al) keep running through my head.

I still don't like hospitals.

I do like my sleep. Why is it Kiddo decides his nap is over just about the time I get around to lying down?

Rented some Red-box movies for the evening.

Random thoughts because it's that kind of day. Peas out!

Love: Sleep.
Hope: I get some soon!
Do: Watch the "baby" movie with my "baby" after snacktime!
Thanks: To all those nurses and doctors out there that make people better. I would not survive in that particular profession, so I am very thankful for those that can and do!