Friday, November 26, 2010

Green Friday?

Perhaps "Black" Friday should be renamed "green" Friday because of all the money people spend!

I love shopping. Love it. I love mornings. I love people watching. So, I ask, what about black Friday is NOT to love? As I headed out my door around 3:37am (to hit Target before they opened at 4am), I wondered if perhaps this would be the year I found out.

Instead, this is what I found:
* Not very many people were, like me, interested in the Wii Fit - easy Score!
* Some people will cut in line. And even when security is told, security will often do nothing about it.
* Some people truly are in the holiday spirit. See my "Thanks" below.
* Crowds can be awesome. You know, it's funny that some people really dislike "shopping" crowds. I am not among "those" people, however the crowds that occur somewhere like, for example, a concert are the crowds that make me start feeling a bit claustrophobic!
* Shopping is awesome. (Oh wait, maybe I already knew that.)
* Shopping centers with lots of places close by (for example, Kohls and Target) can be interesting.

Thanks: To the guy at home depot who offered to return my cart for me, even though I was in the very first row of cars parked in front of the store!
Love: SHOPPING! I guess maybe that's one of the reasons I named my blog as such?
Hope: I am not "shopped out" by Christmas!
Do: Need to start figuring out who I need to buy for, still!