Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am finally getting around to posting a watermelon coma - in case you've never seen a watermelon coma, I'm quite sure this is what they look like. :)

The thought for today, however, is about being practical. You see, I'm not one to throw out/pour out water from "old" water bottles. Why can't it be re-frigerated and consumed? I don't get throwing away water.

The other night, I made dinner for the family. Nachos with guacamole. I asked my DH if he knew why that was the meal I decided on. I was amazed- he correctly answered, "because you needed to use the avocado- they were getting old."

Yes, I tend to be quite practical. Not always, or about everything - it's just a tendency and it certainly doesn't apply to all aspects of my life. I do find, though, with a kiddo around, it's just easier.

At a cul-de-sac picnic the other evening, at least two neighbors pulled pine needles out of Mark's mouth. I didn't bother. I figured with the dirt, ceiling crumbs, and dog treats, it rounded out a nutritious day of snacks. Okay, really that's only partly true. If I know it has chemicals in it and could be dangerous (like ceiling crumbs), I do try and take it away a little quicker.

But - at the end of the day- my kid is going to eat dirt. And bugs. And that's just part of being a kid.

Love: The recent "silly snacking" that Kiddo has been doing.
Hope: Hand to mouth doesn't last forever!
Do: Have to get the wee one to bed- even though he had another 6pm nap!