Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bad Jokes

It's no secret - I'm a fan of bad jokes.

For instance - in case you missed my facebook status update - The Energizer Bunny arrested; charged with battery.

In a training at work this week, the instructor started a joke with "There is a new rule at the pearly gates- you get into heaven by the amount of drama surrounding your death."

The rest of the joke was funny, but just that line alone made me laugh. I still laugh thinking about it - - maybe because drama has been so defining in my life!

I like jokes about interrupting cows and pirates (Arrgh), but mostly I enjoy "punny" jokes.

So - - what's your best punny joke?

Love: Jokes - - especially the bad ones!
Hope: I get some new ones!
Do: Have to get back to "my" reality, and put the laptop away, and study. Maybe after a few games..