Saturday, May 6, 2017

A letter to Southwest...

The other day, the kids needed to get off screens for a while.  I told the kids to get some paper and WRITE SOMETHING.  No other requirements.

Laura (age 5) - authored a quick story about a princess, with my help writing the words, she mostly illustrated.  She sent a "book" to Grandma Kathy - along with a quick letter where she did some writing (about a sentence, in total).

On the other hand - Mark (age 7) - my child into all things flying related (airplanes, luggage, etc) wrote a letter to Southwest.

"Dear Sothwest,
I like your company because you have fee seats and your tickets are good deals.  Your begs plane is a 737.  A 737 is your only type of plane.  Your home is love feild.  Do you want a A820.  Do you ant a A919.  Do  you want a A321.  Can you serve lunch.  Can you serve lunch diner and breakfast when your going across the USA or when your going to Puerto Rico or when you go to Mexico.  My flier number is XXX.  Love, Mark."

(Note:  He also included our address, and his actual flier number - but I'm not including those here!)

Here is a copy of page 1 of the letter, along with his attempt to draw their logo at the bottom of the page:

... And they responded!  We have a padded envelope - addressed just to "Mark" - that looks like it probably includes more than just a "thank you for writing" letter!

Unfortunately, I got the mail too late for him to open it today - - but his Dad and I are so excited for him to get his mail tomorrow!