Thursday, July 21, 2011

Vivid Dreams and sleepless nights

Who is this person that has taken over my body?

It's 4:30 am, and I can't sleep.

The last several nights, I've had some odd- and vivid dreams. And tonight, for some reason, I can't sleep. Ack!

I had a dream about work not too long ago. I was fired. And luckily, after I came in that day, someone mentioned that I still worked there. Whew! I really wanted to ask my boss when I walked in that morning. Maybe I didn't because I am typically there before she gets in.

I had a dream about the house. The people that sold it to us left a BUNCH of stuff. And the house was ENORMOUS. And they continued to haunt us. On the 4th of July, all these people (including them, all of their friends, etc) randomly showed up for a party. It was odd hosting a party for people we didn't know. And the stuff they left us included a room with it's own ice machine, and more camping equipment than we would ever need.

The ex-hubby slipped into my dreams tonight. I'm not sure why, either. And for some reason, I was angry with him. Hmm. I thought I let go of that anger a long time ago. Somehow, though, it did make me snuggle closer to the DH tonight.

Then, there is this obsession with potty training that I can't get off my mind. Why does someone think of potty training in the wee hours of the morning? We've had 3 successful evenings of peeing in the toilet, now, and I guess I'm stoked!

So, a midnight- or 4am snack for me, a drink of water, a quick blog post, and yes - I am headed back to bed. This time, I hope sleep is coming with me.

Love: My DH and my Boy
Hope: Sleep comes with me.
Do: Get off the stinkin' computer!
Number: 4:35