Sunday, August 21, 2011


When it's 100 degrees outside, my car A/C may not be on high. Why? The sound bugs me.

When I'm playing on facebook, I'd rather turn the sound off than have the "game" background noise.

Yes, I do like sitting in a room with the TV off... Just because.

I hadn't thought about it much before today's post, but I guess I'm a sound-sensitive type of person.

I don't run with headphones and/or music of any kind - the thoughts in my head are loud enough, for goodness sake!

I'm sure there are other examples, but that's what I've come up with for today.

So... as I play my facebook game to the sound of the dryer in the background... I hope you are having an awesome day, wherever you are, and more importantly - whatever it is that you are listening to!

Love: Silence
Hope: We complete another project next weekend - house is clean, and a sparkling linen closet for this week!
Do: Try to go to bed early!
Number: 4. For the number of loads of clothes I've done today.