Sunday, February 15, 2009


Austin marathoners and half marathoners - YOU ARE AWESOME. Congrats to everyone on finishing and accomplishing something so HUGE!

Lately, I've been thinking of all my running buddies. So many good times (and good runs, and good meals) we've shared. These people are incredible.

I am very proud of the fact that I have run a marathon. In fact, I have run TWO marathons - - which, I figure, not many people do not say. Of those that have run marathons, they typically run 1 marathon - or 10+ marathons. The number two is what may be a little odd.

In my experience, the first marathon is awful - but exhilirating. When you finish, you've accomplished something big. But the second one? I'm not sure why I was compelled to sign up. Somehow, Orange Zest kept me running. And honestly? As tough as the first one was, the second one seemed insurmountably more difficult.

I ran the Austin marathon in '07 and in '08. My "single" years. I've never ran a marathon while married, oddly. I am not certain whether a full marathon is something I will ever tackle again, to be honest.

Somehow, this seems a little scattered - even for me. However, I think that's consistent with where I am now. Scattered seems to be a good word for it.

These days, I'm doing more thinking about running than actual running. Maybe I'll get back into it.