Thursday, August 20, 2009

Overdue and Uninspired...

I've been trying to keep up with the blog once a week or so... so I try and post within 7 days of my last post. Probably nobody notices that kind of thing except me. But based on that, I'm a bit overdue (2 days or so).

To top it off, I'm a bit uninspired. I've been in pretty good spirits lately (aka Personality 2). Work has been relatively uninteresting, although next week could get busy. There have been a few odd things in the last week, such as painting a tree on the baby wall (which maybe eventually I'll post a picture of), and getting the house ready for a friend to visit (our first overnight visitor in the new house- yay!) There's also going to dinner with couples, which we hadn't done much of since we moved but finally have done a bit of recently.

There's also the August Christmas gift and adventure.... which was a bit of a mystery, and now hopefully has been solved.

Anyway... that may all be a bit cryptic. Maybe in the next several days I'll get around to posting details on something. Or maybe this will remain cryptic - - given that I'm not particularly inspired.