Sunday, September 20, 2009

"At Home" weekend

I'm not generally a "stay at home" person. One of the things that bugged me about being in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy was that I wouldn't have anything to do, and I would get bored really easily! Although this was true for about month 7.... month 8 (and now into month 9) have been a bit different.

There has been quite a lot keeping us busy lately! Friends in town over labor day, a big project finishing up at work, and birthing classes to name a few. I've also had lots of opportunities lately to explore new relationships with friends in the area - - dinners out here and there in the middle of the week. All of these things, along with the growing belly and general pregnancy woes, has worn me out!!!

SOOOO... I must say that this "low key" weekend has been much needed and relaxing! Friday was a bear of a day. I think I was completely depleted mentally and physically. Somehow - - after a couple of good nights sleep, and making progress on things around the house have helped give me some additional perspective! Yesterday, hubby and I ran some errands early in the morning, stopped by a new local joint for breakfast, and then went on a huge baby shopping spree! We got a stroller, a diaper genie, and a changing table, as well as many other smaller items. With the gift cards from the shower, it felt like everything was half price!!

Then I spent some time doing some organization in the baby room and such, and although it won't be coming together as much this weekend as I had originally hoped/planned, at least there is some progress! The paint was touched up a bit. The changing table has been assembled. Daddy made some progress on the crib. Yep, all - in - all, I am feeling a bit more ready!

This week's midwife appointment is a bit more "invasive" (although I think they let me do the 'worst' of it myself). More blood work to be done, also (which in my book does not equate to the worst!) It's also (unfortunately for me) the start of weekly appointments...

Last week, I was at lunch with a coworker, and she said something along the lines of, "I suppose by now with all the appointments you're probably 'okay' with the midwives touching you." I responded - truthfully - that I am most definitely not 'okay' with it. I have accepted it, and learned what to expect... but I still don't like appointments, they still make me very uncomfortable, and I still have not had a single appointment free of "tears" which is my outlet for the anxiety/phobia surrounding anything medical!

I am, however, a strong enough person to know that I will make it through the labor and delivery. Although I am certain it will not be the easiest day of my life, I am also certain it will be one of the most memorable.

Random thought for the day: With looser joints, snapping your fingers while pregnant just doesn't feel like it should!