Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Room, Websites....

What does the baby's room have in common with websites?

I can't for the life of me think of how they might be connected. However, in keeping with the random nature of recent posts, this is what I'm blogging about today!

First, a picture of the tree I painted on the wall of the baby's room. No, it does not have leaves on it. Will it one day? Who knows!

And now on to websites!

I've been thinking perhaps I should post my top 4! So - in no particular order - here are the websites I am particularly fond of:

1. - registered there for both the baby and the wedding! Searchable for anything and everything... if you can't find it on amazon, it doesn't exist. Where I've bought dog food and my wedding dress and many items in between!
2. - (includes variations like shirt.woot and kids.woot) - One deal every day!
3. - Yes, I'm one of the millions who has become addicted. Whether it's "stalking" friends or playing ridiculous games - I like wasting time on there!
4. - my search engine, map, email, and calendar site of choice!

Why not a top 5 - at least? Well, nothing stuck out so I figure whatever might be 5th is likely a "distant" 5th. I love checking my bank(s) daily, and my friends blogs daily (even though updates are typically weeks - sometimes even months apart!)... and there is a baby website or two. I love reading the "Becoming Mommy" daily bit of advice that is posted on my blog website. I also like travel websites (both and come immediately to mind). There are also some work related sites (Actuarial Outpost, Casualty Actuarial Society home page).... but again, those might round out the top 20 but I think my top four stand unchallenged for the current time being!