Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Social Kid...

Kiddo is often very quiet at home.  He talks some, but generally he's fairly relaxed, and somewhat quiet.  Until he starts saying, "Go, go go!" - and goes to fetch shoes and jackets for everyone in the house.

The car ride is almost always silent - or - if we are in daddy's car - there might be a request for "Elmo" (his camera toy).

Once we get somewhere (out to a restaurant, or as last night- to the neighbors for pizza) that quiet little boy changes into an over-excited party goer!  He screams.  Loudly.  And somehow his energy level is amplified by several levels.

So - as you can perhaps imagine - trick or treating was, for him, a time to get as much candy as he could fit into his little hand, all while saying "treat treat treat" (his variation of trick or treat), and lots of "Thank you!  Bye!  Seeya! Thank you!"

He definitely had fun.

And tonight, we have another social adventure in store... Mommy and Kiddo have a date to see Yo Gabba Gabba - one of his favorite TV shows - Live!

The adventure continues!  Happy November!

Love: Kiddo's social butterfly personality
Hope: Kiddo doesn't have to be carried too much this evening..
Do: Take lots of pictures!
Number: Well I didn't count the pieces of candy... so I'll guess at 60 (after only about 15 or so houses!)