Monday, January 9, 2012

10 things...

I was nominated (tagged?) by Melizza - and as the recipient of the award I now have to disclose 10 things (most of) my readers don’t know about me. Yikes!  Most of my readers are close friends and family who know perhaps too much about me already.  So, I accept this as a challenge to my creativity!

1.  I have been avoiding the stairs at work... and at home.  I usually take them, but the last week or so I've been an elevator and a "honey, could you go upstairs and..." girl.  It's only one flight!  
2. My favorite brand(s) of bottled water are Aquafina and Dasani.  I'm not sure why it makes a difference- and yet somehow, it does.
3.  My favorite type of yoga is Ashtanga.
4.  I stop by and look out the front windows downstairs every morning.  I'm not sure what I'm looking for, since the view is almost always the same.  Weather, maybe?  Animal life, maybe?
5.  Sometimes, I wear tinted contact lenses. I have both blue and green.
6.  I try to limit my starbucks intake to only once per week, ususally on Wednesdays.  It doesn't always work.
7.  I recently cleaned out my desk drawer at work, and managed to squeeze all of my "food" into 3 plastic containers, instead of having it loose.  One of those containers is dedicated to tea; another is dedicated to chocolate and candy!
8.  We have two big baby-items in boxes waiting to be assembled.  One day.
9. I love pajama pants.  My favorite pair is from my mom - purple.  VERY comfortable.
10.  I recently started reading a new book, titled Room.  I'm always looking for new book ideas - and while I don't promise I will read all suggestions, I'd love to know what you are reading!

This time, I'm not going to tag anyone.  But - if you are so inclined - feel free to join in and share your ten things!  After all, I love to read about them!