Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh, What a day!

I suppose the song lyric I am thinking of is actually, "Oh, what a night!"

Anyhow - today was laundry day. And it's still not totally done - but for the first time in several months, you can SEE the floor in our Bonus room! Yay!

Along with the floor in the bonus room, the bathroom has been scrubbed, the kitchen mopped, and the living area swept. The yard is mowed, the dog is walked, and the papers have all been sorted through. Yep, lots of chores got done at our house today.

And that's not all!

We went to Goodberry's for custard. Between DH and I, we had raspberry, blueberry, peach, strawberry, and banana! I'll let you figure out the combination from there..

For dinner, it was the ever-popular, "make your own pizza" night.

And it wasn't over yet! We talked to some family, and began the planning process for our VACATION - we'll be in San Francisco two weeks from today! I'm very excited.

A great way to end a rockin' weekend. And tomorrow? It's back to work! I expect another busy, busy work week...

Love: Laundry no longer hanging over my head!
Hope: The week is productive!
Do: Get some shut-eye.
Number: 19,904 - steps for the day. I WILL be over 20,000 before the day is over!