Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I didn't want to post the details about being "spontaneous" before we took our surprise-trip to Texas - so I'll post some details now!

The night before the test last week, we were talking and everything just seemed to be suggesting that we should take a spontaneous trip to Texas! Two of the nephews were celebrating birthdays, so we knew we would get to see most of the family.

We had two days of eating the same dinner- and lots of family! It was awesome, though - we got to see snakes and cows, we picked blackberries, and Kiddo played "ball" with a dog and sat on a lawn tractor!

All in all, a successful trip!

Love: Surprises!
Hope: I get some time to just relax this weekend!
Do: need to go on a long run!
Number: 17 - for the show that I am watching on TV, now that I can watch TV again!