Monday, May 30, 2011

Pedometer Slave

I am a pedometer slave NO MORE!

There's some relief in knowing I won't have to stomp around my house late at night (and any time I get the chance) just to get my 10,000 steps a day in.

As much as I would really like to SMASH my pedometer- it is something that is nice to wear on vacation! The last several days, I haven't put much effort in - of course, I also didn't make my target. Not a fabulous end to the twelve weeks, but I am a better person for having tried!

We were a team of 7 Warriors. Somehow, even as "Team Captain" (aka Indian Chief), I sadly can't recall all of the "warrior" titles I assigned. However, among us include:
Indian Chief
Alpha Warrior
Road Warrior
Shadow Warrior
Fire Warrior

Time to enjoy more fun, sun, wine and exploring - that's right, I'm on vacation!

Love: Travelling with my boys!
Hope: I continue to get my steps in - even if they don't "count" officially. Although now that I check, I'm not currently wearing my pedometer...
Do: Wear my pedometer - at least through the end of vacation. I might as well, I had to bring it with me!
Number: 5 - for the number of wineries we have visited thus far!