Sunday, June 5, 2011

Vacation - by the numbers

I imagine this won't be the only "vacation" post I make. For some reason, I was attuned to several of the "numbers" that surrounded this vacation.

1 - day of "rest" before work (thank goodness!)
2 - number of adventures I consider "failures"
3 - days with over 20,000 steps
4 - total nights spent in a hotel room
6 - final count of wineries visited
7 - number of friend and/or family members we saw and spent time with
233 - Hotel room
311 - Hotel room
403 - Hotel room
800+ - pictures taken
1626 - Hotel room
26,393 - max number of steps - through Yosemite
117,000 - estimated number of "steps" for the whole trip (or over 55 miles or so)

Countless - number of trees, droplets of water, memories

Overall, a great trip!

Love: Travel
Hope: To visit more national parks in the near future!
Do: Write more later. Maybe.