Saturday, October 22, 2011

Babbling Day... or so

Before you get too far into this post, you should know that I'm celebrating Babbling day - a day late.  SO - I would recommend you get a nice hot cup of cider (it is fall!) - or at least understand you'll be committing more than just a couple of minutes if you are going to read this (long overdue) post!

On my crazy calendar (thanks to Oriental Trading company), I have been able to keep track this year of many of the more obscure holidays.  Yesterday was "Babbling Day" - which in my world, equates to the perfect opportunity to post a blog!  (I was just informed via Facebook - one of my most newsworthy sources- that today is National Make A Difference Day.  I'm not sure that this post will make a difference, so I'll have to figure out some other way to celebrate that particular event!)

I had good intentions of posting this yesterday, but instead enjoyed a long overdue movie with the hubby after Kiddo went to bed.


Babbling, you see, is not only one of my favorite words, but also one of my favorite pasttimes!  (Perhaps this isn't news to you if you've followed my blog for a while.)
So today I'm going to do some babbling.  Which means the post may be a little long, and may also be a little all over the place.  (But hey, it's a post, and at least sometimes- they are fun to read!  At least I know I like to read other people's posts...)
There have been many babble-able (and therefore, blogable) moments lately.  Kiddo is in the midst of potty training. It's not fun.  We started today with, "let's try underwear all day."  After two accidents, I gave up and put him in a diaper.  At least we were encouraged most of the morning to remind him to try to potty.  Of course, for a while, that was just "no potty!" followed by crying.  We'll get there.  Today (and this weekend) aren't the day.  Of course, I figured that out a while back.  Daddy is convinced that he only pees in the toilet for Mommy.  I guess I'm good for something.  After being away a few days, Kiddo needed some warming up to.  He keeps going to daddy for things like putting his shoes on, even after I'm the one who said I would take him outside!
I love the word Kiddo.  Once I have two kiddos, will I still call them Kiddo and just let the reader figure out which kiddo, or do I have to have distinct identifier for each kiddo?  Just another thing to figure out along the way with the kiddo in my belly.  Of course, that one still needs a name.  But that's another story for another time - maybe for her birthday!

Travelling can be exhausting.  After being away a couple days, I came home fairly needy.  My next trip, however, is only a couple of weeks away and will be over twice as long!  It will possibly be more exhausting, but for different reasons.  I won't be playing as much of a "hostess" role on the next trip, but I still have a presentation to make!  It's a little intimidating presenting to "peers" with many more years of experience, and mostly higher credentials, as well!  
In some ways, it's unfortunate that you can't babble everything you know.  Those thoughts have to swim around in your head with nowhere to get out of the pool.  Well, at least some eventually make it out - but some don't.  After all, some of my deepest darkest secrets and skeletons probably are better left in the closet.  And sometimes I know things about other people that probably just need to stay in their closet (but now that I know, is the secret still in their closet, or has it migrated to my closet, or is it just in the pool?)

I say thank goodness for Wordless Wednesday, because it has least forced (encouraged?) me to post pictures at least once a week.  I wish I were a little better at the other, non-wordless posts.  Maybe Babbling day will be an inspiration.  Or maybe I just need to find a way to post more regularly.. maybe lunch at my desk and a blog?  Or maybe a more regular post while Kiddo is napping?  (When he's not naping, he often loves to sit on my lap and watch videos.. particularly Elmo's song, which is absolutely his favorite!)
Today, I took advantage of at least part of the naptime to take a nap myself.  Thank goodness for the weekend and  a day where I can be a little bit lazy - and thank goodness for my dear hubby who allows me to once and a while be lazy!  (Of course, if he wouldn't allow me to be lazy, I'd just pull the, "you know I'm carrying your child.." card, which usually works OK.)

Well, Kiddo is up, which means an end to this post.  Definitely not as long as it could have been.  I hope you've enjoyed today's babbling!

Love: Random topics and reasons to blog
Hope: I post again soon!  (See?  You're not the only one who thinks I should post more regularly!)
Do: Drink more water.
Number: 2 - for Kiddo's 2nd birthday last weekend!