Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Change... that's what life is about, right?  For some reason - perhaps obvious, perhaps not - I've been pondering this topic (in my head) the last few days.  There are several aspects that my head jumps back and forth between.  A changing body, the changing kids, a changing schedule/routine, changing budget, and changing family dynamics are all the changes I plan to post about today - some in more detail than others!  (Which means beware.. some of this post may be rambling, and the post could potentially get fairly long!)

Changing Body
I am NOT the biggest fan of pregnancy.  In complete exasperation, I read through a site which posted "the top 10 reasons to enjoy being pregnant" (or something along those lines) recently.  I feel obligated to share... with my own two cents added.

1. More eating and less calorie counting - So I will admit, I get to eat more.  But eating more - for me - equates to eating more than I should, being hungry more often than I should, and suffering from consequences such as heart burn as a result.  To top it off, this baby girl of mine doesn't like chocolate HALF as much as I do, which is ANNOYING.

2. Automatic Argument Ender - I admit, I've used this a time or two.  But at the end of the day - it's just like any other excuse.  It's often/mostly an excuse.  Although in some ways I'm thankful I get cut a little bit of slack here and there (and doors opened and large items carried and what not) - it also makes me feel somewhat guilty for the things I can't do (like controlling my emotions, and lifting a 30 lb bag of dog food).

3. Request regular massages from partner - Seriously?  Who does that?  I was very grateful for a recent massage from my DH recently.  But I rarely (if ever) would consider requesting a massage from DH.  If I want a massage (which is also somewhat rare), I'll get a pedicure (because foot massages are so much better than the whole-body shindig - especially from someone you don't know!).

4. “glorious” second trimester - I'm in the second trimester.  And this is my post.  Enough said.

5. Mysterious glow - I realize that some people believe in this.  Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.  If I'm glowing, maybe it's because my skin is too oily or I need to take a shower.  I don't think there is much mystery in that.

6. Guilt-free veg time - As a mom already, with a kiddo around, I can pretty much safely say that about zero of my "veg time" is "guilt-free".  Now, I realize that this is something I have total control over.  However, I'm a pro at feeling guilty.  Even not pregnant, that's definitely something I could work on.

7. “Pregnancy Style”/Fashion - Seriously?!  Whoever came up with this must have never been forced to wear maternity clothes.  Okay, so the part that covers the belly is somewhat comfortable.  It's also not like you can justify a "complete" wardrobe, which means (at least in our house) laundry has to be done more frequently.  Which means "veg time" is not guilt free.

8. The experience - For this one, I think quoting the site is appropriate.  It said (says?), "There are certain experiences that most people imagine undertaking: taking the dream vacation, flying to outer space, having lunch with Oprah. One such experience envisioned by most women is that of pregnancy. Even if you've heard all about its various trials, you still have a secret desire to know what it's like."  The grass isn't always greener on the other side.  In fact, I have now lived through it - this being my second time around - and I'm not sure I would recommend it to anyone.

9. Extra sleep - isn't this cheating?  how is 6 different? or perhaps I'm the only pregnant women who spends that "guilt-free veg time" sleeping...

10.“Euphoria of creating life” - For me, the "Euphoria" doesn't come in the "creation of life" - but instead, in the first smile and the first steps - the "life" in the little creation.

Along these lines - at my first midwive visit, I was asked, "is it OK to be pregnant?" - one of the toughest questions I've been asked all year.  At the end of the day, I want another child, so I suppose I "accept" being pregnant.  This pregnancy was planned, and I love children - especially my own.  But just like families and relationships in general - you don't have to "like" something (or someone).

Changing Kids
Of all the changes - this is my favorite.  From the changes that the teeny little girl inside me is making (even though I don't see them, and only sometimes feel them) to the changes the almost-two year old is making- - - the growth and innocence of children never ceases to amaze and inspire me.

Changing schedule/routine
Will both kids be in daycare? Will one of us stay home? What will life look like in less than 5 months?  At this point, it's anyone's guess.  Maybe a year from now, I can look back and reflect - and perhaps compare.

Changing Family Dynamics
What will it be like to be a mom of two?  How will I divide my attention?  How will daddy adjust?  Can DH and I still manage to make time for ourselves, and each other?  What about the dogs?  Will the current Kiddo continue his "good" behavior and just add "awesome big brother" to the list, or will he bite his sister the day she comes home from the hospital, like my older sister bit me the day I came home from the hospital?

Changing Budget
Anyone who has kids knows this:  No matter how you cut it, kids are not "cheap".

In our house, change is upon us.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it makes us all stronger.

Love: Watching kids change and grow up!
Hope: I don't sound too "whiny"!  And if I do? Refer to #2 above.
Do: Take the dogs out.
Number: 913 - not quite my bedtime!