Sunday, October 23, 2011


Where did the weekend go?

Although I did get some R&R in on Saturday, today we seemed to make up for it!

After doing some laundry, we headed to the fair!  We saw the flower garden and area - including a "butterfly" that was a bush, which was kind of cool.  We entered the village of yesteryear just as it opened.  We rode on several rides (including kiddo's first "solo" ride).  We did lots of walking around - and for some reason, I managed to not get too worn out!

We got all the required fair food:  Corn dogs, lemonade, cotton candy, candy and carmel apples, roasted corn, and our first taste of NC State Icecream!

After coming home (more laundry, cleaning out the car) I headed to Prenatal Yoga - which I've been meaning to do for a long, long time.  Somehow I managed to come home, cook dinner, do dishes, clean the kitchen - and yes, more laundry (it seems to never end!) and even some playing with Kiddo and TV time thrown in.

All in all, a great day - topped off with a little bit of a conversation with my little bro!  But I'm ready for the weekend, now that it's over!

Love: Busy days
Hope: Next weekend is a little slower..
Do: Keep working on the back-up of the laptop (on which the e, d, and c keys must be typed with the "on-screen" keyboard.)
Number:  8 - for the gate we entered and exited at the fair today!