Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Adventures in Food!

As "bug" begins eating more "normal" food - we can feed him directly from the table! Today, he had some apple sauce, but also shared our pasta and chicken dish. He's had chicken nuggets and crackers. He's had cookies and rice krispie treats. He's had yogurt (and loves it - especially the baby yogurt!) In some ways, I'm glad he's in daycare as he begins trying more foods - since they are often more adventurous and encourage us to make him eat what we eat.

He liked cheese - no surprise there, since that's his dad's favorite food. He'll be eating refried beans, and already loves any kind of bread.

Anyhow - adventures in food with the kiddo are fun! It's helping contribute to him becoming 'more interesting'. He's also moving around on the floor. He will be a "little person" soon - maybe I'll think of him that way once he starts to walk. He's still my baby for now!

Hope: we can continue being adventurous with food and moving around!
Do: Need to be thinking more about the upcoming trip here soon!
Love: That life with kiddo is "becoming" more interesting!!