Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not so cheery...

Nothing "bad" today, just a little whining...

I try to be a happy person - most of the time. My blogs are typically upbeat, and I try to add excitement and energy. Sometimes, though, I just can't do it.

Today I'm feeling defeated, frustrated, emotional, and perhaps even a little depressed. It's also for a STUPID reason, that makes sense perhaps only in my brain.

It's about nursing. I have nursed Kiddo since he was born, and it seems to get harder and harder for so many reasons. Today, all of those reasons seem to be coming together and it seems I won't be able to nurse much longer- which makes me even MORE sad. Daycare wants more milk. I'm frustrated because I know I'm not producing enough during the day, and "scheduling" nursing with a busy work schedule just doesn't always work as smoothly as I would like. I tried to feed kiddo formula after we got home, and he wouldn't take it.

He's nearing the 8 month "mark" (catch the pun?) in a few days here, so I shouldn't feel bad about no longer nursing, and yet, something in me feels like I've failed.

He was "fussy" when we got home, which I didn't understand as his "tired" fuss. While having a break down, I fed him some puffs and he fell asleep in my arms. It's always sweet when they do that, but I wish I could have enjoyed the moment a little more.

I try very hard to be a super mom, but sometimes it's hard to admit I can't be "Super-Mom".

Perhaps it's just the female "cycle" finally taking hold of me, again.

Tomorrow is another day - and the last day (hopefully) for a while I'll have to pump. Maybe in the week or so ahead things will improve.

Love: This is harder today than usual! I do love when baby falls asleep in my arms.
Hope: Nursing improves in the week ahead.
Do: Need to move on. Writing out my thoughts helps with that, so thank you for reading my "whining".