Thursday, December 1, 2011


For some reason, family has been on my mind a lot lately.   From the kicky-one in the belly to the father I still miss when visiting Kansas....It seems as though these and other thoughts and images of family keep swirling in my head... In so many ways, it is almost making me dizzy... I guess 'tis the season, eh?

Watching Parenthood, buying Christmas gifts, shopping with Kiddo.... maybe when I am forced to "settle" with the new baby, I will have time to sort through the many thoughts?  Hard to believe it's only 10 weeks ... or so... away!

It seems like I have been in "busy" mode, and somewhat unable to stop and smell the roses (or pine, as the season may be..)

As for now, I suppose it is back to Laundry and Christmas Presents, taking out the dogs and settling in for another night!

Is it just me, or do others once in a while feel like a "brain dump" is necessary?

Love: Family
Hope: Things eventually settle...
Do: Work on Christmas Cards?
Number: 12 more work days before the year is over!