Saturday, December 31, 2011


When it comes to taking pictures, for me - at least, it's point - click - done.  That is why "Wordless Wednesday" is the kind of pictures you might see in any family, it just so happens that they are (mostly) my family.

I have a DSLR camera (which I LOVE), but I've never actually taken the time to play with the settings to figure out all those crazy little details about photography.  However, I do adore photography.  It's one of those things that I find mysterious and captivating.

The photo today - taken by DH and not me, unfortunately - is one I adore.  Gallery quality artwork, in my opinion, and definitely something I would proudly hang on the wall.  It's like a "surprise" Christmas gift!

I'd like to think I had a small part in the picture.  I did, after all, say, "honey, would you go take a picture of the moon?"  I had no idea that the result - - although it may have been a mere "accident" and not intentional - would be this picture (among others). 

Is it a ribbon, like the ones you see for Breast Cancer?    I'm not sure.  But - to me - it's beautiful.

Love: Surprises... once in a while!
Hope: We make it to a local photographer's "show"next week!
Do: Start apple crisp for dessert tonight!
Number: 30 - the number of hiccups the baby produced on the airplane this week.  Of course, 34 (number of weeks pregnant) also comes to mind for today...  As does 2011, for the last time in a while.. 15, for the number of years my bro and his spouse have been together... and 2, for the birthday party we attended today!